Hungarian architecture forum - Inside Out
Hungarian architecture forum - The Shed
Hungarian architecture forum - Villa Balaton
Hungarian architecture forum - Dear Budapest Gastrobar
Tidskriftenrum - 2017 January
UNESCO World Heritage competition 1st Plase (as Architect) - The best House on the "Fertö" Region
Kisalföld (as Architect) - The best House on the "Fertö" Region
InfoSopron (as Architect) - The best House on the "Fertö" Region
A mi Otthonunk 2017/02
Octogon 2016/03 - Zaha Hadid Vienna Library
Apartment theraphy
Profil on the Hungarian Architecture Forum
Profil on
Hungarian architecture forum - Rekas Flat - power in unity part 2 26.07.2016
Hungarian architecture forum - Annas Flat - power in unity 25.07.2016
Hungarian architecture forum - Competition 1st place - the nature of the material fibercement facades 25.05.2016
Hungarian architecture forum - Cabin in the woods 12.05.2016
Hungarian architecture forum - Remebering Zaha Hadid 22.04.2016
Fatik Parketta 1
Fatik Parketta 2
Fatik Parketta 3
Fatik Parketta 4
43mm Magazin issue 5 editorial - page 82
1st place 2013 Gopix Awards (landscape)
Kleine Zeitung 25. 01. 2012
Kleine Zeitung 19. 01. 2012
Kleine Zeitung 15. 13. 2011